Setup MQTT Server
Docker Environment
In preparation for the MQTT instance, you must have Docker running on your server. I also recommend using Portainer.
I ran the eclipse-mosquitto:latest
image from the Docker Hub with the following settings:
- Name: mosquitto
- Restart Policy: unless-stopped
- Network: bridge
- Ports: 1883:1883
- Volumes: /opt/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config
and /opt/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data
and /opt/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log
- Environment Variables: TZ=Europe/Berlin
You can change this to your timezone
Config File
In the container under /mosquitto/config
you will find the mosquitto.conf
I changed the following settings to activate the password file and to disable anonymous access (1) :
- This must be executed in the container!
Add User
To add a user to the MQTT server, you can use the following commands:
First User
Bash | |
Additional Users
Bash | |